Quick Q & A with Janese Lesoing, N2N Director of Financial Programs

How does the Financial Capabilities program align with N2N’s mission? 

Neighbor to Neighbor believes individuals and families are more likely to achieve and maintain stable housing when they have access to resources that support long-term financial success. This is why we are invested in offering financial education, counseling, and homeowner services, to ensure everyone can work towards their financial goals – starting with where they are today.


How can N2N’s financial counseling services help individuals plan for their financial future? 

N2N’s free financial counseling services are personalized to meet the needs of each individual. This could include preparing a budget and clear action steps to achieve one’s goals, to providing professional referrals for more specialized services.


Are these programs available to everyone?

Yes, our financial capability services are available to everyone, and our goal is to meet people where they are. Our one-on-one sessions are designed to support each individual or household – to help them identify and work towards any financial goals they may have.


In honor of April as Financial Capabilities Month, what is one action someone could take today to begin planning for tomorrow?

You can schedule a free one-on-one counseling session to discuss your financial goals and develop actionable steps you can take to help you achieve them. First step – email Chantel Gallegos to arrange an appointment.