May 25 Progress Report:

  • Total rent assistance estimate: $152,000 to 235 households
  • $122,074 has been distributed to 193 households for May assistance
  • Average assistance = $640/household
  • 140 households currently pending for May assistance
  • 41 households have applied for June assistance
  • 60 undocumented households have received May assistance
  • 20 undocumented households are pending for May assistance

Fort Collins: 130 households have received assistance, $83,820 distributed
84 households currently pending
Fort Collins May estimate: $105,000 to 160 households
Average AMI: 19%, Average age: 38

Loveland: 47 households have received assistance, $28,354 distributed
36 households currently pending
Loveland May estimate: $39,000 to 65 households.
Average AMI: 19%, Average age: 37

April N2N Eviction Prevention Assistance:
301 Households requested rent assistance
192 Households received rent assistance
Total distributed: $130,023 (584% increase per month)
Fort Collins: 136 households received assistance, total: $91,506
Loveland: 44 households received assistance, total: $29,567
Ave. assistance = $675/household ($750 max per household)
20 undocumented households received assistance
Average AMI: 19%, Average Age: 37, 10% do not speak English, 90% speak English
Mobile home residents: 79% no, 8% yes, 13% no response

Staff insights:
– Unemployment and additional $600/week benefit often results in higher income than typical wages
– The need for rent assistance is expected to spike again in August after the $600 benefit expires
– Distribution of $100,000+/month will last through 2020 as service industry struggles to recover
– It is extremely difficult for residents to recover once they are 1 month or more behind on rent
– Many residents are still struggling to receive unemployment and/or stimulus payments
– Many residents have not requested assistance in the past and are unaware what is available

Questions – Contact N2N Executive Director, Kelly Evans, 970-488-2363 or [email protected].